
Showing posts with the label Agriculture

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Importance Of Agriculture In Nigeria

Importance of Agriculture in Nigeria        Agriculture is by far the most widespread form of human activity and it is more basic than any industry. Even in this 'machine age', agriculture of one kind or another provides a livelihood for more than three-quarters of the human race. The peasants around the world produce a wide range of agricultural commodities for the world market, to be traded, processed and even returned to them in different form. Without agriculture, many factories would close, and, despite all the wonders that science has brought, a world without food would be a dead world.      Another vital feature of agriculture is its permanency. Minerals, continuously mined, are sure to be exhausted one day but this is not the case with agriculture. Crops have been raised since the earliest times and they are still being grown. The soil, carefully maintained, is a flow resource that is renewable, and can even be improved.   ...

Daily maintenance of a tractor

Maintenance practices that can be carried out daily on a tractor include the following: 1. Keep the tractor clean by removing all trashes or mud from it at the start or at the end of operations.  2. Check water levels daily and top it when necessary.  3. Check oil level daily and top it when necessary.  4. Check tyre pressures daily before operations. 5. Inspect the tractor every day before starting.  6. Check electrolyte of the battery every day and top it when necessary. 7. Adhere strictly to manual or manufacturer's instructions.  8. Do not overload the tractor, you should operate it at appropriate speed for farm operations.  Thanks for reading this post, share it with your friends. 

What Is Commercial Agriculture

   Commercial agriculture is the type of agriculture which is concerned with the production of good, animals and cash crops in large quantities for sale. The main purpose of commercial agriculture is to gain profit from the sale of agricultural commodities.   Characteristics of commercial agriculture    •Yield is usually high.    •Commercial agriculture involves huge investment of capital.      •It employs the use of skilled labour.    •Records are kept in commercial agriculture.    •It involves the cultivation of large hectares of land.    •Irrigation system may be practised in commercial agriculture.    •It uses agro-chemicals (chemical compounds used to improve the quality and quantity of agricultural outputs) such as fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, pesticides, etcetera.    •Only rich farmers are engaged in commercial agriculture.    •Improved v...

What is Subsistence Agriculture

What Is Subsistence Agriculture ?             As men progressed from the hunting and gathering stage, they developed the art of cultivating certain plants and domesticating certain animals. People became self-sufficient and began to group themselves in villages. They made crude implements and learned to provide enough food for the family. They adopted the method of shifting cultivation and mixed farming. This practice can still be found today in very isolated areas where communication has been limited, and the people have not been exposed to modern farming techniques. It is also found where surplus capital for investment is not available. This practice is known as "subsistence agriculture".              First of all, what is "subsistence" and what is "agriculture" ?. Subsistence means the state of having just enough money or food to stay alive. For the meaning of agriculture click  here . Therefore ...

The meaning and scope of agriculture.

                  What is agriculture ?           The term "agriculture" is derived from two Latin words : ager, meaning field, and cultura, meaning cultivation. Literally, agriculture means field cultivation.             Today, however, the term is usually more broadly defined as the production of plants and animals which are useful to man. It covers not only the cultivation of the soil and the feeding and management of crops and livestock, but also the preparation of plants and animals  products for use by man, and the disposal of these products by marketing, because production is not complete until it gets to the final consumer.               Scope of agriculture       The main branches of agriculture include the following :  (1). Animal Science : This is the science involved in the production of animals(animal h...