Jamb subject combination for all courses in Nigeria institutions - Read full details!
In case you are preparing to sit for jamb, you need to know the subject combination for the course that you aspire to study in any Nigeria institutions, be it; polytechnic, university, monotechnic, college of education, etcetera. It is very important because choosing the wrong subjects could lead you to study another course that you did not have in mind to study. You could lose your admission to study the course that you have aspired for and prepared for. In this post, I have compiled these subjects that you need to combine for the courses that you want to study, all departments are being covered (science/technical, arts and social sciences). What you need to do is to focus your mind on these subjects, if any of the subjects is your weakness or you hate that subject, please love that subject and read intensively on that subject using the right textbooks and make sure you use the jamb syllabus. <script async src="//pagead2.googlesynd...