List of all courses offered by Nigerian institutions

I have to compile this list because of so many questions that people are asking me about. This post contains all the accredited courses offered by Nigerian institutions.

Administration courses

These are courses that deals with administration and management. They fall under the falcuty of administration. They are :

•Industrial Relations and Personnel Management
•Actuarial Science 
•Insurance and Risk Management
•Banking, Finance and Insurance •International Relations
•Business Administration 
•International Relations and Strategics Studies
•Business Management 
•Local Government Administration
•Business Economics 
•Mass Communication
•Cooperative and Rural Development •Media Studies and Mass Communication
•Cooperative Economics and Management •Management Studies
•Office Management Technology
•Film and Video Studies 
•Public Administration
•Public Relations and Advertising
•Human Resources Management
•Secretarial Administration
•Hotel Tourism Management 
•Transport and Tourism

Agriculture/Vet. Medicine courses

These are courses that falls under the falcuty or college of agriculture or vet medicine. These courses are :

•Fisheries and Aquaculture
•Agricultural Administration 
•Fisheries and Wildlife Management
•Agriculture and Development Extension •Food Science & Technology
•Agricultural Business and Financial Mgt •Food Science with Business
•Agricultural Co-operative 
•Food Services and Tourism
•Agricultural Economics 
•Forestry & Environmental Management
•Agricultural Economics & Extension •Forestry/Forest Resources Management
•Agricultural Economics & Farm Management 
•Forestry and Fisheries
•Agricultural Economics & Management Studies 
•Forestry & Wildlife
•Agricultural Extension & Rural Sociology •Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries
•Agricultural Extension Services 
•Forestry & Wood Technology
•Agricultural Extension & Rural Development 
•Home Economics
Agriculture and Fisheries Management •Home Science, Nutrition and Dietetics
•Agric. Meteorology & Water Management 
•Home Science & Management
•Animal Breeding and Genetics 50 Hotel Management & Tourism
•Animal Physiology 
•Livestock Production Technology
•Animal Production 
•Nutrition & Dietetics
•Animal Production & Health Service •Pasture & Range Management
•Animal Production with Nutrition 
•Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
•Animal Science 
•Plant Science
•Animal Science and Production 
•Plant Science and Biotechnology
•Animal Science/Nutrition •Plant Science and Crop Production
•Animal Science and Range Management •Plant Physiology and Crop Ecology
•Plant Physiology and Crop Production
•Crop Production 
•Public & Community Health
•Crop Protection 
•Soil Science
•Crop Science 
•Soil Science and Land Management
•Crop, Soil & Environmental 
•Soil Science and Environmental Management
•Eco-Tourism and Wildlife Management.
•Environmental Management and Tech.
•Family, Nutrition and Consumer Sciences
•Farm Management & Agric. Extension.

Arts or Humanities Courses

These are the courses under the falcuty or college of arts or humanities. These courses are :

•French and International Relations •Linguistics/Yoruba
•African and Asian Studies 
•French with German/Russian •Linguistic/Edo
•Arabic Studies 
•Geography and Environmental Studies •Literature in English 
•Arabic Language and literature 
•Mass Communication
•Arabic and Islamic Studies 
•Modern European Languages
•Arts (Combined) 
•Modern Language and Translation
•Christian Religious Knowledge/Studies •History and Archaology 
•Christian Studies 
•History/Internatioal Studies 
•Classical Studies 
•History and Diplomacy 
•Philosophy and Religious Studies
•Communication Arts 
•History and Diplomatic Studies 
•Political Science and Conflict
•Communication and Language Arts 
•History and Strategic Studies 
•Psychology and Human Development
•Comparative Religious Studies 
•History and Political Science 
•Russia with French/German
•Counselling and Psychology 
•Creative Arts 
•Drama/Dramatic Arts/Performing Arts/
Theatre Arts 
•International Studies and Diplomacy •Religious Studies
•International and Comparative Politics •Religion and Philosiphy
•English Language 
•Islamic Studies 
•Religious Studies/Theology
•English Language and Literature 
•Religion and Science
•English Studies 
•English and Literary Studies 
•English and International Studies •Languages Arts 
•Yoruba and Communication
•Languages Arts and Yoruba 
•Fine Art/Fine and Applied Arts 
•Language and Linguistics
•Foreign Language and Literature •Languages and Literature

Education Courses

These are the courses under the falcuty of education. These courses are :

•Education Administration and Supervision •Science Education 
•Education and Religious Studies
•Adult Education 
•Secretarial Education 
•Education and Yoruba
•Adult Education/English Literature •Sociology Education 
•History and Diplomatics Studies
•Adult Education/Economics and Statistics •Statistics Education 
•Mass Communication
•Adult and Non-Formal Education •Statistics/Computer Science Education •Nigerian Languages
•Adult and Community Education  
•Special Education 
•Education and Music
•Adult Education/Political Science and •Public
•Special Education (Visual Handicaps)
•Adult Education/Geography and Regional Planning 
•Sport Management 
•Agricultural Education
•Curriculum and Teaching 
•Teacher Education 
•Automobile Technology Education
•Curriculum and Instruction 
•Biology Education
•Curriculum Studies 
•Arts and Social Science Education 
•Building Education
•Educational Administration 
•Arts Education 
•Computer Education
•Education Foundation and Administration •Education/Arabic 
•Computer and Information Teachnology
•Educational Foundation 
•Geography and Environmental Management (GEM)
•Education Foundation and Management •Education/Arts and Social Sciences •Education/Chemistry
•Education Psychology, Guidance and Counselling 
•Education/Christian Religious Studies •Education and Computer Science
•Education Management 
•Education/Edo Language •Education/Mathematics
•Elementary Education 
•Education/English Language •Education/Science
•Environmental Education 
•Education/Fine and Applied Arts •Education/Technology/Introductory Education
•Guidance and Counselling •Education/French 
•Mathematics and Education Technology
•Industrial and Labour Relations •Education/Geogrpahy 
•Electrical/Electronics Technology
•Library Science 
•Human Kinetics Education
•Library and Information Science •Education/History 
•Human Kinetics and Health Education
•Library Studies 
•Industrial Chemistry
•Nursery and Primary Education •Education/Igbo/Linguistics 
•Industrial Technical Education
•Pre-Primary Education •Education/Language Arts •Mathematics/Statistics Education
•Primary Education 
•Education/Language and French 
•Metal Technology Education
•Philisophy Education •Education/Language/English 
•Petroleum and Petro-Chemical Sciences
•Psychology Education •Education/Lingustics 
•Physical and health Education
•Science and Computer Education •Education/Islamic Studies 
•Physical Education
•Physical Education and Recreation
•Sport Science
•Technical Education
•Telecommunication and Information Technology
•Transport Planning and Management (TPM)
•Theartre Arts
•Technology Education
•Technology and Vocation Education
•Education/Intergrated Science •Education/Physics
•Home Economics Education
•Home Economics and Hotel Management
•Intercultural Education
•Education/Political Science
•Education/Social Science
•Education/Social Studies
•Education and Business Administration
•Business Education
•Interculture Education
•Secretarial Education
•Social Work and Community Development
•Vocational Education
•Vocational Education and Technical Education

Engineering or Environmental or Technology Courses

These are the courses under the faculty or college of Engineering/Environmental/Technology. These courses are :

•Accounting Technology 
•Fine and Applied Arts 
•Petroleum and Gas Engineering
•Agricultural Engineering 
•Food Engineering 
•Polymer and Textile Engineering
•Agricultural and Environmental Engineering 
•Food Science and Technology/Engineering 
•Production Engineering
•Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering 
•Food Science and Engineering 
•Project Management Technology
•Food Technology
 •Quantity Surveying
•Banking and Finance 
•Gas Engineering •Software Engineering
•Biomedical Engineering 
•Geography and Regional Planning 
•Surveying and Geo-Informatics
•Chemical Engineering 
•Geography and Meterology 
•Systems Engineering
•Chemical/Petroleum/Petrochemical Engr. •Geography and Planning 
•Civil Engineering 
•Hotel Management and Tourism 
•Transportation and Management Technology
•Civil Engineering/Hydrology 
•Home Economics and Food Management •Technological Management
•Computer Engineering 
•ICT Engineering 
•Urban and Regional Planning
•Computer Science 
•Irrigation Enginerring 
•Visual Arts Technology
•Computer Science and Engineering •Industrial Arts 
•Water Resources and Environmental Engr.
•Computer Science with (Economics) (Mathematics) 
•Industrial Design
•Computer and Information Science •Industrial Production and Engineering
•Communication Technology 
•Information Technology
•Communication and Multimedia Advertising 
•Land Surveying
•Communication and Multimedia Printing •Journalism Management Technology
•Communication and Multimedia Television/Filming 
•Marine Engineering
•Communication and Multimedia Design •Maritime Management Technology
•Materials and Production Engineering
•Electrical Engineering 
•Mechanical Engineering
•Electronics Engineering 
•Mechatronics Engineering
•Electrical/Electronics/Computer Engineering 
•Mechanical and Production Engineering
•Electrical/Electronic Engineering •Metallurgical & Material Engineering
•Environmental Management 
•Metallurgical Engineering
•Environmental Engineering
•Environmental Technology 
•Mining Engineering
•Environmental Management Technology •Naval architecture
•Estate Management 
•Nutrition and Dietetics
•Fine Art 
•Petroleum Engineering

Law Courses

These are the courses under the faculty of law. These courses are :

•Civil Law 
•Common and Islamic Law 
•Common Law
•International Law and jurispudence
•Islamic Law/Sharia Law
•Private and Islamic Law
•Public and International Law

Medical or Pharmaceutical or Health Sciences Courses

These are the courses under the faculty of Medicine or pharmacy or health sciences. These courses are :

•Veterinary Medicine
•Dentistry and Dental Technology
•Human Nutrition and Dietetics
•Medical Biochemistry
•Medical Rehabilitation
•Medical Laboratory Technology/Science
•Medicine and Surgery (Human Medicine)
•Nursing/Nursing Science
•Prosthesis and Orthopaedic Technology
•Public Health Technology

Science Courses

These are the courses under the faculty of Sciences. These courses are :

•Computer with Statistics 
•Information and Communication Tech.
 •Physical Sciences
•Computer and Economics 
•Information Technology 
•Plant Science
•Parasitology and Entomology 
•Computer Sci. with Islamic Religious
•Information Science 
•Plant Biology
•Animal Biology and Environmental •Computer and Mathematics 
•Management Information System 
•Plant Science and Biotechnology
•Animal and Environmetal Biology •Computational Analysis 
•Management Software Development 
•Plant Science and Forestry.
•Computer Science and Information
•Plant Science and Taxonomy
•Applied Botany 
•Computer Science and Accounting 
•Mathematics and Economics
 •Pure/Applied Chemistry
•Applied Ecology 
•Communication Technology 
•Mathematics and Geography
 •Pure and Industrial Chemistry
•Applied Zoology 
•Cognitive Science
 •Mathematics and Geography 
•Public Health Technology
•Applied Chemistry 
•Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry 
•Mathematics with Statistics 
•Pure/Applied Biology
•Applied Geophysics 
•Electronics •Mathematics/Statistics/Computer
•Pure/Applied Physics
•Applied Geology 
•Electronics and Computer Technology 
•Mathematics with Physics 
•Pure/Applied Mathematics
•Applied Biology 
•Engineering Physics
 •Mathematics with Management Sciences •Science Laboratory Technology
•Applied Biochemistry 
•Energy Studies 
•Marine Biology 
•Applied Biology and Biochemistry 
•Energy and Petroleum Studies 
Marine Biology and Fishery 
•Statistics and Biometrics
•Applied Microbiology and Brewing •Environmental Biology and Fishery 
•Medical Laboratory Technology 
•Statistics and Computer Science
•Applied Mathematics with Statistics 57 Environmental Management 
•Medical Laboratory Science 
•Software Development
•Applied Statistics 
•Estate Management  
•Surveying and Geo-Informatics
•Applied Microbiology 
•Environmental Biology 
•Software Engineering
•Applied Biology and Biotechnology •Exercise and Sport Science 
•Microbiology and Biotechnology •Telecommunication Management
•Artifical intelligence 
•Fisheries and Aquatic Biology 
•Molecular Biology 
•Textile Science/Technology
•Aquaculture and Fisheries
•Fisheries Aquaculture •Marine Environmental Science 
•Transport Management
•Genetics and BioTechnology 
•Mathematics with Computer Science 
•Urban and Regional Planning
•Biodiversity Conservation &
•Natural Ecosystem Science and
•Quantity Surveying
•Natural and Environmetal Studies 
•Wildlife Eco-Tourism
•Biological Science(s) 
•Natural and Environmetal Science 
•Water Resources Management
•Geology and Petroleum Studies 
•Organisational and Industrial
•Water Resources and Agro-Meteology 
 •Geology and Minning
 •Operations Research 
•Wood Science
•Botany and Microbiology 
•Geology and Geo-Physics 
•Geography/Regional Planning 
•Zoology and Aquaculture
•Building Technology 
•Geology and Earth Sciences 
•Project Management 
•Zoology &Animal Systematics
•Cell Biology and Genetics 
•Geoloogy and Mineral Science 
•Physics and Applied Physics
•Chemical and Industrial Chemistry •Hardware and Networking 
•Physics Engineering
•Chemical Science 
•Industrial Chemistry 
•Combined Physical Sciences 
•Industrial Physics 
•Physics / Computational Modeling
•Computer Engineering 
•Industrial and Environmental Chemistry 
•Physics / Computer Science
•Computer Electronics 
•Industrial Mathematics 
•Physics / Electronics
•Computer Science 
•Industrial Mathematics/Statistics 
•Physics/Material Science
•Computer Science with Accounting •Industrial Microbiology 
•Physics with Solar Energy

Social and Management Courses

These are the courses under the faculty Social and management. These courses are :

•International Studies 
•Population Studies
•Accountancy/Finance/Accounting •International Business 
•Pure and Applied Psychology
•Accounting Management & Finance •International Relationship and Diplomacy •Regional Intergration and Diplomacy
•Information Science Technology 
•Acturial Science 
•Islamic Studies with Acturial Science 
•Social Work & Administration
•Arabic and Islamic Regligious Studies •Law/International Law and Diplomacy •Social Work/Community Development
•Banking and Finance 
•Library and Information Science
•Business Management/Mgt Sciences •Library Science 
•Social Work
•Business Administration 
•Literature •Sociology and Anthropology
•Library Studies •Sociology and Psychology
•Criminology and Penology 
•Local Government Studies 
•Transport Planning and Management
•Demography and Social Statistics •Management Information System 
•Management Technology •Tourism and Eventmanagement
•Mass Communication 
•Urban and Regional Planning
•Economics and Development Studies •Marketing
•Economics and Operation Research 
•Office System Management
•Economics and Statistics 
•Peace and Development Studies
•Finance 50 Personnel Management
•Gender and Woman Studies 
•Project Management Technology
•Geography and Planning Science 
•Political Science and History
•Geography and Environmental Management 
•Political Philosophy/Economics
•Geography and Resources Management •Political Science and Public Administration
•Geography and Regional Planning •Poltitical Science and Diplomacy
•Human Resources Management 
•Political Science and Conflict Resolution
•Industrial and Labour Relations 
•Political Science
•Industrial Relations & Personnel Mgt. •Policy and Administrative Studies
•Industrial Relation 
•Political Science and International Relations
•Information Resources Management •Political and Administrative Studies
•Intelligence and Security Services 
•Public Relation and Advertising
•Insurance and Acturial Science 
•Public Administration

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