Recommended textbooks by jamb for geography

This article is for those who are going to sit for geography in jamb. In case you don't have an idea of what textbooks to read when preparing for geography in jamb, this post has been created for you.

Using the wrong textbooks for your preparation in geography, might affect your performance in JAMB examination, and the only solution to this is to get the recommended textbooks and read them.

Don't make the mistake of buying a fake textbook, always check the title, the  name of the author(s) of the textbook and the name of the publishers of the textbook if it corresponds with the ones here.

Another thing that you should avoid is purchasing the old edition of a textbook; always try to get the latest edition of the textbook because these textbooks are updated regularly with new contents, so take note of that.

Even after getting a good geography textbook recommended by jamb, it is necessary for you get an atlas. Having an atlas would help you with maps in geography.

These textbooks are :

Adeleke, B. O. and Leong, G. C. (1999) Certificate Phyisical and Human Geography (West African Edition), Ibadan: Oxford.

Bradshaw, M. et al (2004) Contemporary World Regional Geography, New York: McGraw Hill.

Bunet, R. B and Okunrotifa, P. O. (1999) General Geography in Diagram for West Africa, China: Longman.

Collins New Secondary Atlas, Macmillan.

Fellman, D. et al (2005) Introduction to Geography (Seventh Edition) New York: McGraw Hill.

Getis, A. et al (2004) Introduction to Geography (Ninth Edition) New York: McGraw Hill.

Iloeje, N. P (1999) A New Geography of West Africa, Hong Kong: Longman.

Iloeje, N. P (1982) A New Geography of Nigeria (New Education), Hong Kong: Longman.

Nimaku, D. A. (2000) Map Reading of West Africa, Essex: Longman.

Okunrotifa, P. O. and Michael S. (2000) A Regional Geography of Africa (New Edition), Essex: London.

Udo, R. K (1970) Geographical Regions of Nigeria, London: Longman.

Waugh, D. (1995) Geography, an Integrated Approach (Second Edition), China: Nelson.

Wisdomline Pass at Once JAMB.

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